Speed up your startup’s
fundraising campaign
We know the way VCs think,
and we are ready to translate their thoughts to you
Get a list of best matching investors
To help you get started fundraising on your own, we can prepare a detailed database:
(01) Investor Database
A template of a cold email that has a 99% open rate and 20%+ conversion rate to a call
Names, positions, linkedins and emails of the investors to start a cold outreach
A list includes 100 to ∞ handpicked investors who align perfectly with your industry, vision, and growth stage
(02) Investor Relations
Hustle-free fundraising tasks
You only need to attend the calls, we will take care about the rest
Fundraising campaign
A proper plan is the key to successful fundraising
Cold outreach
Automation saves tons of time, time is money, agree?
Managing CRM
Automation saves tons of time, time is money, agree?
Improve pitch
We’ll join a few calls to give feedback on your current pitch
Round terms
We will define the best investing terms for your needs
Investors database
Get a handpicked database of potential investors
Our clients speak to top notch VCs
(03) Investor Data Room
Pitch Deck
Market data & Research
Cap table
Historical P&L and projections
Unit economics
Competitive analysis
Valuation calculations
Introductory letters
Investor updates
Give investors the information they need
Let us prepare for you a list of documents that will leave investors without a shadow of doubt about you:
(04) 1 - 1 Call
Things to learn on a 1-1 call with us
Let’s get all your answers expertly covered:
How do I find investors?
What’s due diligence?
What's the right time to raise funds?
What do investors expect in terms of returns?
How to define the stage?
What types of funding do I need?
How to define terms for the round?
How to determine the valuation?
How to find the first investors?
What is the best way to approach investors?
Why do I receive rejects all the time?
What should I include in my Data Room?
Our cases
  • HealthTech, Series A
    Fundraising outreach
    • 3.1k Investors outreached (~1k VC funds) in 3 months
    • 96 Calls conducted
    • 99.5% Open rate
    • 8.56% Reply rate
  • EdTech
    B2B outreach
    • 295 Leads outreached in 1 month
    • 5 Calls conducted
    • 60% Open rate
    • 8% Reply rate
  • Web3, Seed
    Fundraising outreach
    • 5k+ Investors outreached (~100 funds) in 4 months
    • 18 calls conducted
    • 50% Open rate
    • 6% Reply rate
  • HealthTech, Pre-Seed
    Fundraising outreach
    • 500 angels outreached in 1 month
    • 6 Calls conducted
    • 94% Open rate
    • 23% Reply rate
  • AI automation tool
    B2B outreach
    • 700 Leads outreached in 2 months
    • 6 Calls conducted
    • 53% Open rate
    • 5% Reply rate
  • B2B Marketplace, Seed
    Fundraising outreach
    • 1.5k+ Angels & VC Funds outreached in 2 month
    • 10 Calls conducted
    • 52% Open rate
    • 10% Reply rate
FundWise LLC, WY, US
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